The Nehru Institute of Information Technology and Management (NIITM) was established in 2007. It is affiliated with Anna University, Chennai, and approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). NIITM recognized by UGC with 2(f) and 12 (B) status. It is one of the most prestigious institutions in Tamil Nadu, offering two full-time MBA and MCA programs. NIITM was established with a vision to be a prominent center for excellence in management and information technology. The ultimate goal of this institution is to create new generations of managers and technocrats with entrepreneurial and managerial skills. NIITM transcends excellence by imparting value-added programs, placement training, outbound training, and industrial collaborations. NIITM supports, challenges, and inspires students to become great business leaders by creating a positive change in every student to match them to the ever-demanding corporate environment.


  • To develop and mould the young professional aspirants into a value based ethically strong human asset by imparting outcome based quality education for a global recognition.


  • To provide a transformative educational experience that foster academic and professional excellence.

  • To promote critical thinking, creativity and problem solving skills for a life long learning and social responsibility.

  • To empower technocrats and managers with innovation that fosters sustainable growth.